Matt Williams
Matt is the Evangelist at Infra (a cool RBAC and remote access tool). He's also an Emcee for DevOps Days Seattle and a former organizer of DevOps Days Boston and Serverless Days Boston. He was the first Evangelist at Datadog. He has been using containers on Docker and Kubernetes since the projects started.
Appears in 10 Episodes
Local GenAI LLMs with Ollama and Docker
Bret and Nirmal are joined by friend of the show, Matt Williams, to learn how to run your own local ChatGPT clone and GitHub Copilot clone with Ollama and Docker's "Ge...

Future of Kubernetes with Brendan Burns
Bret and Matt welcome special guest Brendan Burns, CVP Azure Cloud Native & Resource Management, and also a founding member of the Kubernetes project.Because Brendan i...

Kasten K10 Kubernetes Backups
Bret and Matt welcome Michael Cade, the field CTO at Kasten by Veeam. If you've been around servers for a while, you probably have heard of Veeam. It made its debut ba...

Cycle.io LowOps container platform
Bret and Matt welcome Jake Warner back to the show to talk about LowOps. What does LowOps mean? What can Cycle offer us as an alternative to Swarm and Kubernetes?Jake ...

AWS containers with Corey Quinn
Bret and Matt are joined by Corey Quinn to talk about AWS and containers.Corey Quinn is the Chief Cloud Economist at the Duckbill Group. You may have seen or heard som...

Podman In Action: Desktop, Machine, and more
Bret and Matt are joined by Brent Baude and Dan Walsh from Red Hat to talk about the latest with Podman, Quadlet, Podman Desktop and Podman machine, and how it all wor...

Falco Logs Suspicious Events on Your K8s and Servers
Bret and his co-host, Matt, are joined by Jason Dellaluce and Luca Guerra from Sysdig to talk about Falco, a tool I recommend for production clusters and knowing about...

Docker 2023 New Stuff
Bret and Matt are joined by two engineers in Docker's leadership - Chief Technology Officer Justin Cormack and Senior Manager of Developer Relations Michael Irwin, to ...

Contribute to Kubernetes
Bret and Matt are joined by Chad Crowell of KubeSkills to walk through how you can contribute to Kubernetes open source.Chad started the kubeskills.com community and p...

Easy Kubernetes Auth and RBAC with Infra
Bret is joined by Matt Williams of Infra to show off their open source project Infra, which provides easy, centralized RBAC, auth to Kubernetes, and more.