All Episodes

Displaying 121 - 150 of 176 in total

Chat With WeaveWorks about GitOps

Happy New Year container fans! In this episode, I talk with Brice Fernandes of WeaveWorks to discuss their latest Kubernetes and Docker projects.

The People Side of DevOps With Laura Tacho

In this episode, I traveled to Vienna, Austria, and hung out with my friend Laura Tacho, and we talked about the human side of DevOps.

Kubernetes Future with Kelsey Hightower and Jérôme Petazzoni

In this episode, I chat with a powerhouse combo of Kelsey Hightower and Jérôme Petazzoni, who's combined influence in the container space can not be overstated.

Everything Docker and Windows

In this episode, I talk with Elton Stoneman, an Architect at Docker. We talk about Everything Docker and Windows, covering topics like WSL, Windows containers, Docker ...

Kubernetes GitOps with Jenkins X

In this 50th episode, I sit down with two people from Cloudbees, Viktor Farcic, and Oscar Medina. We talk about CI/CD in Kubernetes and the GitOps-style of continuous ...

Docker Inc Splits: Live Panel on the Future of Docker

In this special episode, just a day after Docker announces they've split the company and sold their Enterprise products, I sit down with fellow Docker Captians Jeff Ni...

Docker and Kubernetes Questions on Tools, Best Practices, and More

In this episode, I talk about proxying with NGINX vs. Traefik, and the proper protocol for image tagging in a CI environment.

Swarm Networking and Logging Solutions

In this episode, I answer a few questions about Swarm networking, Traefik as your proxy using Consul to store its configuration, and then I go into deeper detail about...

Rancher, Kubernetes, and Beyond with Darren Shepherd

In this episode, I have a great chat with Darren Shepherd, who is the Co-founder and Chief Architect at Rancher Labs. You probably know them for making, well, Rancher.

Docker Swarm vs. Kubernetes, from Berlin

In this episode from my YouTube Live show, I talk more about Swarm and Kubernetes for Container Orchestration, and how I believe you should learn both.

K8s Setup, GitOps, and more!

In this episode, I answer some student questions about Kubernetes setup, DNS round robin, some new docker plugins, and what GitOps is.

Kubernetes Architecture

In this episode, I give a brief rundown of Kubernetes architecture, and how the raft consensus algorithm plays a major role in server communication within your cluster.

Sysadmins Assemble! Doing Sysadmin Tasks in Docker

In this episode, we're celebrating the annual Sysadmin Day by covering system administration topics with containers. We'll go over health checks, exit codes, container...

AWS ECS and Container Migrations with Chris Hickman

In this episode, I talk with Chris Hickman about using containers since the early days of docker, using AWS ECS as your orchestrator, and more...

DevOps Real Talk With Authors of Docker In Action

In this episode, I talk with the authors of the book Docker In Action, 2nd Edition. We have a great chat on real-world craziness in running software and challenges wit...

Development Tools in Containers with Docker Captain Antonis Kalipetis

In this episode, I talk with Docker Captain Antonis Kalipetis about various development in docker topics.

Can You Learn Linux inside Docker?

In this episode, I discuss learning Linux with John Kennedy, who helps organize the Northern Virginia Linux Users Group, and how we might learn Linux by running things...

What is Service Mesh and When You Might Need It, with Betty Junod of

In this episode, I talk with Betty Junod of about Containers, Kubernetes, and Service Mesh.

Startup Order With Multi-Container Apps

In this episode, I answer a question about controlling container startup orders in a multi-container app.

Learning DevOps With Ray The Intern

In this episode, I chat with Ray Vittum, our DevOps intern, about his experience while moving from a traditional sysadmin role to a DevOps one.

Can I Turn a VM into a Container?

In this episode, I answer a question about if it's possible to migrate or containerize, a VM into a container.

How to Run Privileged Containers in Swarm

In this episode, I answer a question about how to start a Swarm service container in privileged mode.

How to Use External Storage in Docker

In this episode, I answer a question about how to use external volume storage with docker and swarm.

Troubleshooting Docker Swarm Networking and DNS

In this episode, I answer a question about how to troubleshoot docker swarm networking and docker dns.

ENTRYPOINT vs. CMD, what's the difference in Dockerfiles

In this episode, I discuss the differences between the docker file commands of ENTRYPOINT and CMD, and how to use them together for automating container startup tasks.

Docker and Swarm RBAC Options

In this episode, I answer a question about how to control admin access to docker and swarm using roll based authentication.

Learning Kubernetes with Jérôme Petazzoni

In this episode, I talk with Kubernetes, Docker, and Swarm instructor Jérôme Petazzoni about how to learn and use Kubernetes, and we answer a bunch of YouTube Live que...

Live from DockerCon with the Docker Captains

In this episode, I'm live from the show floor at DockerCon with Nirmal Mehta and Nils De Moor as we cover the announcments, our favorite sessions, and take your questi...

Pre DockerCon with Nirmal Mehta and Michael Irwin

In this episode, I have guests Nirmal Mehta, a Chief Technologist at Booz Allen Hamilton, and Michael Irwin, an Application Architect at Virginia Tech University.

Pre DockerCon with Phil Estes, Scott Coulton, and Sujay Pillai

In this episode, I am joined by Phil Estes of IBM, Scott Coulton of Microsoft, and Sujay Pillai. We're all working in the DevOps space and discuss topics and open sour...

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