Falco Logs Suspicious Events on Your K8s and Servers

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Bret and his co-host, Matt, are joined by Jason Dellaluce and Luca Guerra from Sysdig to talk about Falco, a tool I recommend for production clusters and knowing about any bad behavior on your servers.

Falco is a security tool I've mentioned multiple times on this show, because I mostly think that a low level security focused logging product is something that every production server needs. The ability to log unexpected events and behaviors on your Linux host is powerful and necessary to be able to audit what's really happening on your infrastructure outside of your app itself.

Falco has been a CNCF incubating project for over four years, and I was immediately drawn to it in its early days, because it was container and Kubernetes aware and it could log and alert with default rules for everything, from someone starting a shell inside a container, to a bash history file being deleted, to a container trying to talk to the Kubernetes API.

This episode will be useful for those of you new to tools like Falco and for those familiar with its basics, but also wanting to learn about newer features and use cases, which I did some learning on myself in this episode.

Live recording of the complete show from April 6, 2023 is on YouTube (Ep. #210).

Falco website
Falco on CNCF

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  • (00:00) - Intro
  • (02:24) - Introducing the guests
  • (05:25) - What is Falco? Why do we need it?
  • (08:00) - What can Falco monitor?
  • (17:11) - How are events logged?
  • (30:59) - Does Falco classify alerts by severity?

Creators and Guests

Bret Fisher
Bret Fisher
Cloud native DevOps Dude. Course creator, YouTuber, Podcaster. Docker Captain and CNCF Ambassador. People person who spends too much time in front of a computer.
Matt Williams
Matt Williams
Matt is the Evangelist at Infra (a cool RBAC and remote access tool). He's also an Emcee for DevOps Days Seattle and a former organizer of DevOps Days Boston and Serverless Days Boston. He was the first Evangelist at Datadog. He has been using containers on Docker and Kubernetes since the projects started.
Beth Fisher
Beth Fisher
Producer of DevOps and Docker Talk podcast since 2019. Assistant producer on Bret Fisher Live show on YouTube. Business and proposal writer by trade.
Cristi Cotovan
Cristi Cotovan
Video editor and educational content producer. Descript and Camtasia coach.
Jason Dellaluce
Jason Dellaluce
Open Source Engineer at @sysdig Maintainer of @falco_org
Luca Guerra
Luca Guerra
Debugging enthusiast
Falco Logs Suspicious Events on Your K8s and Servers
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